Združenje proizvajalcev in distributerjev medicinskih pripomočkov SLO-MED



Češko podjetje , član Združenja čeških proizvajalcev in distributerjev medicinskih pripomočkov, s katerim smo se srečali  v Pragi, išče partnerja v Sloveniji.   

EGO Zlín, spol. s r.o.

U Pekárny 438, Štípa

763 14 Zlín

Czech Republic



phone: + 420 577 100 038

fax : + 420 577 914 363

cell: + 420 775 163 168

skype: marie.eibelova


Our products assortment can be divided into five following segments:

SYSTEM OF BIOLOGICAL PROTECTION - which is used in case of occurrence some high contagious disease (SARS, avian flue, swine flue, Marburg, Ebola etc.). This system offers solution for transport of infected patient, protection for medical and servicing staff according levels, isolation and hospitalization chamber for infected patient and following system of decontamination


TENT SYSTEM – inflatable tents and accessories in order to create sufficient station in field condition for accommodation, medical treatment, stores etc.


DECONTAMINATION SYSTEM – inflatable showers or tents including accessories in order to provide decontamination or hygienic purification in field conditions


EMERGENCY SYSTEM – vacuum fixation splints, mattresses, medical and emergency rucksacks, cases, transport sheets etc.


SYSTEM FOR IMMOBILE PATIENTS – antidecubite mattresses, antidecubite pads, products for hygienic purification for immobile patients etc.


The production quality is certified in accordance with ISO system EN ISO 9001 and products are certified with the certification system TÜV SÜD Czech.


More information concerning our company and products assortment you can find in enclosed COMPANY PROFILE and further documents. You can learn more also on our web pages : www.egozlin.cz


I´d like to add that we are also ready to prepare products and cooperate on special projects according to concrete demands.


I´d like to inform you also that our strategy is not only to sell products but we also provide methodological support and crisis management. Every country is different and must therefore be an emphasis on an individual approach to specific circumstances.
A substantial part of our activities is also conducting training and exercises for end users to maximize efficiency systems in crisis situations. For this purpose EGO Zlin has built developmental and training center
where he visitors could meet all products and where fully working systems are presented.
